Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section. - Shop for self-knitted clothing and hand puppets

I made this Website to sell self-knitted clothing,Headbands, caps, socks, jumpers, doll clothes  and hand puppets. Recently updatet to Drupal 9.3.0. It is in german, as the target Audience is in south Germany.

All suggestions and opinions are very welcome.

Set up classified ADs site on Drupal 8

Hi every body,

Have you tried to set up classified ADs site on Drupal 8 yet? I need to create a similar website and would like to know if you have made any progress on this. 

Thanks just hit 5M pageviews. Thx Drupal!

Our Google Analytics go back 15 years and, with 6,000 pages of content, is now running on Drupal 9 with many high google rankings. We're very happy and this site is only one of our half-dozen running Drupal.

First time with Drupal

Hi!  I'm just starting a Drupal site, yes, it says test, but it's really not.  I'm going to be developing some vacation information on the site.  I just started so it's light.  Open to suggestions!

Drupal 9 - Webpack 5 - Bootstrap 5 beta 3 - No jQuery - Custom Installation Profile

Hello, thanks for clicking :)

If you are curious how a Drupal site turns out when you favour custom modules over contrib - here is a simple example. If you take a look under the bonnet at the source, you'll see it is pretty clean and the site whips along nicely (granted this is a wee example, but it will scale up well).

Build process is Webpack 5 and I go a decent distance off off-piste to deliver a monolithic platform which is very much tailored to my own preferences eg.

Dosula - My first website with social bookmarks and user registration

This is my first website with social bookmarks (not quite) and user registration.

Made with Drupal 8.9.14 



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