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Feedback on new D8 site

Hi guys,


This site was developed using Drupal 8. Any feedback regarding SEO and best practices will be appreciated.


Need advice!!

It's not really showing-off I want to do; since September 1th I'm the new owner of a website that's been setup 22 years ago. The current design in drupal 7 has been made around 5 years ago. This design is outdated and not user friendly. So I want to create a makeover. That's where the advice is needed. I've been talking to a Drupal specialist (since I'm totally not) and he told me that within a couple of years, I have to transfer to Drupal 8, since 7 won't be supported anymore. That would be a really expensive investment (I'm not capable of making that investment right now).

Drupal 8 platform for NHS Extranet

We (Cite) have recently launched a Drupal 8 powered extranet for the NHS here in the UK. There's not much to look at from a front-end user point of view as most content and functionality is behind the registration and login. The system is designed for specific NHS employees, so general public registration is not advised or approved.

Drupal proved brilliant at powering the complex user roles and permissions that were required. The general design and theme are bespoke.

My First Drupal 8 Build

I have been learning how to build with this static site for years now; starting with joomla (yuck), then Drupal 7 (better), and now Drupal 8 (awesome!).

I was thrilled to find that Drupal 8's core contains every responsive & menu feature that I wanted, but had been struggling with (as a novice) on those previous iterations. 

I am scoring fairly well with Google's lighthouse check, but would be interested in any performance or aesthetic improvements that are needed:

drogowskaz - travel with us!

Drogowskaz.Info - Project in the preliminary phase ... a lot of work ahead of us :)
I am asking for constructive criticism and tips on what to improve ...

PS. The website is based on Drupal 8.x ... Site translated from Polish to English automatically by the Google Translate service

Character design portfolio

Hello, friends!
My characters and illustrations' portfolio made by Drupal:
Site -
Thanks for everyone, have a nice day. Regards!


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