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The new website has been launched this afternoon !

It's using Drupal, CCK, Views, Panels and Location related modules.

Thanks for the Drupal community and forums to help when we are stucked ;)

Enjoy !

Comments are very welcome.


We've just released a Drupal site based on 6.x :

This website for an organism dedicated to dogs and cats protection in Quebec/Canada.

This website is a migration from a Joomla site that was made few years ago.

It is still evolving, next step will be multilingual setup (as soon as content is translated) and SEO.

Many modules were used to create it, but we mainly worked with Content types, CCK and Views. We also added Simplenews, Bueditor, lightbox2 and webforms.

Help Orphanage Children in Kenya - Elzbieta Trzeciak

Elzbieta Trzeciak is a 33 years old woman who traveled the world in a search of happiness. She published a memoir called You Can’t Outrun What’s Within You. She decided that the profit derived from the sales of her book will go entirely for her “mission” in Africa. Her long term goal is to raise enough money to be able to build so called self-sufficient villages for communities that will not only raise but that will also cherish such children the way they deserve to be cherished.

Exon database site

This extremely basic site is one that has recently hit a more or less "stable" point in terms of what information is currently available. Probably won't make much sense to anyone without a genetics background of some kind, but it was a fun project to learn Drupal on.

There's plenty more available to logged-in users, but since that data is all unpublished as of yet, it isn't visible to the public.

Hotel-, Bistro- and Gourmet-Site

Hi everyone,

as a relatively newbie I want to share one of my bigger first projects for one of my customers.

This site had the goal to present a Hotel, a Bistro Restaurant and a Gourmet Restaurant. We solved this communication challange with a distinct frontpage and three different sections each for the Hotel, the Bistro Restaurant and the Gourmet Restaurant with slight different templates.

Colorsynthetic - A Small Web Development Shop

Hello everyone, I just put up my freelance drupal development portfolio site and was looking to see what other fellow drupalers thought. The URL is


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