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[new website with flash] Mentor IT solutions & services

hi all
This is Polish language site only for now, but not for long :)
Comments and criticism are welcome

Mentor IT website

IT solutions & services
blog, forum, news, eshop [Prestashop]

Drupal 6.x

Website for Video Games

Any one out there can suggest, how to make a website like,, or made using drupal....

TuffTipper Trailers - Product Site in Drupal

TuffTipper trailers site - was created with Drupal 6 to showcase the product range of trailers. I decided to keep the design clean and simple and make the trailers the focus.

Modules used included CCK, Panels, Views, Webform, CAPTCHA, ImageCache, Pathauto and Skinr.

Spread Drupal (The Drupal Network) launched

Spread Drupal (The Drupal Network) alpha version launched and its running on Acquia hosting.


Political Site : VVD Zwijndrecht - Heerjansdam (

The VVD Zwijndrecht - Heerjansdam is a chapter of the national VVD in the Netherlands and has its focus on local city politics. At this moment we are using drupal for 2 years or so. Last thing done is new theming to the look and feel of the national VVD. Major modules we use are:
- Nice menu's
- Image and related modules
- Twitter ( only added since april 2010 )
- Google Analytics ( only added since april 2010 ).

Et Melius - personal site with 40+ page "Make This Site" tutorial

I just re-launched my personal site,, which I will be using for software development notes and keeping track of cool links. As I was getting things set up, I ran across an unfinished tutorial in the documentation, and decided to write one myself. After checking that content creation worked by making an "about" page, my next step was to build a 40-page (and still growing) walkthrough of how I put the site together in Drupal 6.x. I did my best to arrange the steps to minimize the "back-and-forth configuration" that Drupal sometimes requires.

The top level of the tutorial is

The main topics are:

  • Why this tutorial?
  • Tools and Jargon
  • Download and Installation (what packages to download first and getting deployed to the webhost I use)
  • Site Setup (Step-by-step configuration of taxonomy, aliases, useful modules, permissions, more modules, and themes)
  • Search Engine Optimization (a small topic, will grow as I learn more about it)
  • Making a Tutorial (how to make a tutorial like this one using the Book module)
  • Thanks for reading!

The target user is someone who already knows a little about deploying websites, knows a little about PHP and CSS, but needs some help getting used to Drupal.


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