Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

New Soccer Club Site

Hi -

I'm new to the Drupal world and have to say I have had to learn a lot but its been fun. I have taken over the development of my daughters soccer teams website.

I didn't design the whole site but am currently working on the content area and want to make it flow nice. Can anyone give me some feedback on how it looks now and what I can improve on the design?

Thank you,
David - User Reviews, Travel Guides, and More is a online travel and user review website built using Drupal 6 and several modules as well as some custom modules. We are a social travel website with our members contributing most of the content in the form of listings, user reviews, travel guides, and other travel resources. We would definitely like to get on to D7 or D8, but we have had issue migrating, so we are thinking to move to D8 when it comes out by simply migrating the data as opposed to the entire site.

Freelance design and music portfolio website

I recently finished up a website to act as design and music portfolios for myself.

What do you think?

My new site

Can you give me advice?


PS: Domainname changed.

Doc3D website

Hello there! This is my first website built with Drupal 7. I used a template already set but with some little modify.

I would be glad to receive some feedback from people more expert using this great CMS


Exmaple massive sites using drupal


I'm considering using Drupal for a project, but the site is pretty big. We're talking 500,000+ visitors per day, thousands of products across hundreds of categories, lots of product types, updated all the time.

Does anybody have any examples, e.g. if Wall Mart or Barnes & Noble used Drupal, those would be great examples.

I'm looking for sites which (a) have huge volumes of users (b) huge amounts of content and varied (c) complex customer journeys.



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