Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section. complete webhosting system, With Drupal! is a complete web hosting solution, which completely develop with awesome cmf Drupal!

Project language is persian, but in the future i'll make the english translation.

List of some modules used in hostak:
-- Commerce
-- Reply
-- Views rules
-- Md-slider
-- Views
-- Colorbox
-- Rules
-- Context
-- Joyride
-- OmMaximenu
ans so on... - Greek sportscasting website

Good morning people!

I am proud to share a product of careful design, planning and implementation.
And the name is :
Happy birthday!

On the tech side of things :
It was built based on Drupal 7 plus the usual suspects from the great community modules : Views, Rules, Media, Redirect, Metatag, Token, Pathauto, Globalredirect, Quicktabs, Xml sitemap.
Custom code was made , but tried to keep it minimal .. :)
The design was custom made and based on the excellent Zen. - Website for historic destination

I launched a new website yesterday at

A little about the site:

Hockey site

Hi everyone,

Recently I made my first website using drupal. It's a Dutch site bringing daily news about the NHL, the hockey league. is the link to the site, I tried to maintain the official style of the site.

Clinic Compare - powered by Drupal

Clinic Compare – cosmetic treatments in your area

Only local images are allowed.


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