Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.


I've created an example page to, hopefully, show what the site is about.

New website launched for our first US customer

As a company from Holland we are very proud of doing a project for one of our first international customers, Specialized Shading Systems, NY

We made extensive use of the Views module with Views Slideshow and also added some custom Javascript to get the slideshow full width and for the menu animation.

Although the project is finished, feedback is welcome.

A MIS made base on drupal

Hi,I am again .

After I finish the main work of click here : to know more.

I start a new project to make a MIS (manage information system) base on drupal.

It's permission module is what I interest.

You can try it on demo system. User : test PSW:1

1、I spend a lot time to select a good theme.(simple) finally : SuperClean


Help give feedback for multilingual website to promote intercultural dialogue

This is a postcard and translation project that should work like a megaphone; imagine you could say one thing to everyone in the world, what would you say? People send us their ideas and we help translate it into other languages. The idea is to use positive communication to make people from different parts of the world feel more solidarity with each others.

So the website is in 300 languages, and I need to know if this landing page is working good:

Drupal Newbie Looking for Feedback

I built my first website using Drupal, and it is called Type It Out. Since it is my first project on the web, and first project using Drupal, being the php-css-js-html5 illiterate I am, I am looking for some honest feedback on the site.

The site is built on AT-Corolla using Panels and Views with a responsive layout throughout the site.

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

My project

Only local images are allowed.
3.1 Apply the domain name,user godaddy;
3.2 Apply the free hosting
3.3 Download drupal 7;
3.4 Download theme touch(like it simple)


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