I thought I'd post our site www.parentsown.co.uk
We set up the site because we have children with health problems and at times have felt very unsupported by the medical professionals, after one too many appointments where we came away feeling like failures as parents we decided we had to do something... Our plan was to set up a website for parents with children with medical problems (primarily gastro problems) to come to look for information, support and advice.
That was how the idea for Parentsown came about, the next problem was how do we do it.... And really this is my reason for posting here because I chose Drupal to do it and I'm so glad I did.
As you will see if you view the site, Parentsown is a very long way from some of the awesome, glitzy and star studded spangly sites in this showcase... I can only long to one day have the knowledge to do a lot of what I see here... But that said I still wanted to post it in case out there there are more people like me.
You see I am no techie I am far far from that, I am also no graphic designer, so basically I didn't know how to build websites nor did I know how to make them look pretty!! When I started out I knew literally nothing, but I bought a book by David Mercer and set off in to the unknown, safe in the knowledge that I was blissfully unaware of what I didn't know and therefore couldn't get scared...