Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

Tree surgeon website

This is a website I have just launched for a local tree surgeon. It is a fairly simple and straight forward build. One thing of note was that I didn’t have any sidebars, so I didn’t really have anywhere to stick a menu for my client to manage his content. So I tried to use the admin menu module to achieve this. But it turns out that module is really just aimed at the super admin user and isn’t configurable in any way for other roles.

Looking for some feedback on my first Drupal site

Hi everyone, I (sort of) finished setting up my first Drupal site in December, just realised I forgot to post it here to get some (much needed) feedback from people who know a lot more about Drupal than I do....

The address is and the site is quite experimental and ambitious I think... its for a new non-profit organisation called SoCapital, and the idea is to have the people who use the website/buy things in the shop decide what the organisation should be doing (i.e. how it should be spending the money generated through sales).

As such, I've used the voting API, vote up/down and fivestar modules quite a lot (big thanks to their authors!). Many thanks also to everyone who's involved in producing Drupal generally (and in particular the host of other contributed modules I've made use of) - I have basically zero programming skills so it amazes me that I was able to produce anything even close to what I had in mind, and its all thanks to the Drupal community!

Centre Londres 94

Spanish site about psychology and psiquiatrics.

We have used the next modules:

- Pathauto
- XML Sitemaps
- Image
- Feedburner
- Global Redirect
- Transliteration
- Google Analytics

We have done a custom page for listing nodes and extended the CSS:

Best Regards.

CPAP Provider Store

CPAP Provider store is here to deliver quality CPAP supplies at discount prices. We stock a wide varriaty of different masks, mask parts, filters, and headgear from a number of major manufactures. Here at CPAP Provider Store we believe in efficiency of purchase without the frill, fruff, bells and whistles like all the other supply e-stores. We hope you find our store clean cut and easy to get around, and more importantly easy to purchase and get what you want. Enjoy your stay, and have a great day!

We are drupal site hosted on GoDaddy with a Deluxe Hosting plan on a Linux Server. We are using the following module recipe to set up our online store

Look and feel

  • cck
  • nice_menus
  • views

Content Access Control

  • acl
  • content_access
  • menu_per_role

User Logins and settings

  • email_registration
  • logintoboggan


  • google_analytics


  • lightbox2
  • imageapi
  • imagecache
  • imagefield


  • ubercart
  • uc_out_of_stock - Proof anyone can get a site running on Drupal

I thought I'd post our site

We set up the site because we have children with health problems and at times have felt very unsupported by the medical professionals, after one too many appointments where we came away feeling like failures as parents we decided we had to do something... Our plan was to set up a website for parents with children with medical problems (primarily gastro problems) to come to look for information, support and advice.

That was how the idea for Parentsown came about, the next problem was how do we do it.... And really this is my reason for posting here because I chose Drupal to do it and I'm so glad I did.

As you will see if you view the site, Parentsown is a very long way from some of the awesome, glitzy and star studded spangly sites in this showcase... I can only long to one day have the knowledge to do a lot of what I see here... But that said I still wanted to post it in case out there there are more people like me.

You see I am no techie I am far far from that, I am also no graphic designer, so basically I didn't know how to build websites nor did I know how to make them look pretty!! When I started out I knew literally nothing, but I bought a book by David Mercer and set off in to the unknown, safe in the knowledge that I was blissfully unaware of what I didn't know and therefore couldn't get scared...

Showcase: Gordon Parks Elementary School

I've just completed a conversion of from a half-HTML/half-PHP cobbled-together site to a Drupal site. Gordon Parks Elementary School has been a client for a couple of years. We inherited a very pretty but horribly constructed site from a designer who disappeared after setting it up. It had a rudimentary CMS where the school administrators could add news items, job openings, and teacher bios, but that was about all.

The school is a non-profit and their website is aimed at donors and potential donors. Because they were unable to update their own content, they had to rely on us to update it for them. Last year they had no budget for us, and we gave them a lot of free work as a result.

This year I wanted to learn to use Drupal, and decided to recreate (and clean up) the existing Gordon Parks site as my training project. That way, I didn't have to charge the client for my learning time, and they got a site they can update themselves.

It took me a long time to figure out how to do everything. I bought several Drupal books and consulted constantly. I don't know anyone else who uses Drupal, so I was just winging it most of the time. Fortunately, I have lots of CSS experience, so the theming was not too hard.


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