Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

Kinderhook Memorial Library Website

I just launched our new site done in Drupal on January 1. I've had some good feedback from library patrons and am pleased with my staff's enthusiasm. Thanks to the module maintainers and the rest of the Drupal community who answered questions for me along the way.

open4energy - Drupal powers Open Source Energy Saving Leader

open4energy started life as a live resume' for an out of work sales engineer in April 2009

Thanks to the simplicity of implementing Drupal, the readily available themes and 3rd party modules it did not take long to have a home page and my thoughts on open source energy saving for data centers written up and published.

Thanks to clean url's I was able to make a reasonable effort at search engine optimization and give the page an url that made actually made sense to Google and others.

I knew that Cacti, an open source project for graphing time series data, offered possibilities for data center energy management. It took quite some effort to get Cacti working, so being a reasonable open source citizen I decided to write up what I had learnt as a tutorial for others to follow. The solutions to the issues were all available if you searched diligently, but this brought them together, and addressed some specific issues for Ubuntu.

To my surprise really, I am an engineer of limited capabilities, the pages generated a steady stream of readers and reader appreciation. I take no credit for the stability of the site, 1and1 do a fine job of supporting a Drupal install, and it was clear that the pages were being served reliably.

Law Firm of Schneider & Stone - how to make a law firm site not boring!


I just launched a website for a local law firm, built on Drupal. There are a few nice features, such as the home page flash movie, powered by a Views-generated XML file running MonoSlideShow.

Here's my writeup about the project:
Here's the link to the live site: - Explore Technology

I am running on Drupal 6. Its a Technology site run by me and my friends.
Its using Drupal for my site since Drupal 5.
The first day when I say Drupal on opensourcecms, i was carried away by its clean and neat look and ease of administration.
Then I took a look at the modules, seeing the BIG list of modules, I decided to use Drupal.

The theme currently used is Pixture Reloaded and RootCandy Dark (admin).

My portfolio web-site (made with Drupal)

Hey, I've just finished my portfolio
I need your attention & your comments
You are wellcome!

Fast site build example

Hey everyone,

I built a new site and want to help show the power and speed of drupal once you start to get things figured out.

The site is

I got this site up in about 4 hours and can create other similar sites now if roughly an hour (including some content) because of aegir. (clone then change theme, and content).


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