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Girona Airport Dupral Site

Girona Airport informations,Find the details if you are traveling in Spain.The site is developed using drupal

Edited by WorldFallz - moved to appropriate forum. - Drupal 6
is Drupal 6 website, rather simple, build with image, advanced forum, captcha, pathauto, lightbox2, i18n, smileys.

It's about recently released open source web software, used for tracking game matches and player statistics.
Go and check it out for yourself ;-)

Help and opinions are welcome.

Drupal 5 and Ubercart - Image and Print Shop

I'm quite proud of my little shop! I'm selling downloads of images directly to customers, and it wouldn't have been possible without Drupal or Ubercart, and it wouldn't have been possible without open source programmers and their generosity..

Without further ado, the web site is at

It's not 100% finished as regards design and little improvements to be made, but it is fully tested, functional, and error-free (bar one error that I must get rid of :D)

My new voucher code sharing website

I have built this site for a client using Drupal 6.13.

It uses CCK and views modules. The design is simple as it was a very low cost project. Right now it only contains sample data.

The American Society of Media Photographers


In early 2009, The American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP) embarked on a website redevelopment project with Context, a web development firm based just outside of Philadelphia.

With over 7,000 members and an expansive website consisting of hundreds of pages ranging from informational tutorials to event registration to their national "Find a Photographer" service, the ASMP had quite a project in front of them, and were looking for guidance in determining which system would be able to meet their requirements.

After reviewing the ASMP's 11 page request-for-proposal and the wonderfully clean and organized designs provided by Chicago's Grillo Group, Context decided that Drupal was the only CMS that would make the project practical.

Medical Tourism, Surgical - Cosmetic - Dental Travel portal is a Medical Tourism Portal. We recently released the beta version of this portal. This features Hospitals, Wellness - Cosmetic - Dental Clinics, Ayurvedic Options and also individual doctors who want to provide second opinion services to patients

Some but not all the features include :

Hospital/Clinic Features :
- Ability to list their facilities, testimonials,pricing of procdures & room stay, room images, procedures, associated doctors for a given procedure
- Ability to announce special packages
- Publish news, blog, job openings
- Tie-ups with Insurance firms (coming soon)
- Medical Equipment used
- Get ratings on answering patient's queries in "health queries" section

Doctor Features
- Get ratings on answering patient's queries in "health queries" section
- Association with Hospital ( no duplication of record)
- Ability to upload resume
- List their profile, specialization and hourlyrate
- Provide fee based second opinion services to international patients

Patient Features
- Choose the best hospital/doctor for their surgical, dental, cosmetic needs from list of hospitals
- Seek Second opinion services from best international doctor who offers such service
- Ask queries in health queries section in one or more health communities & rate the best answer


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