Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.


Here is my site, a year old, made with a lot of modules.

'Halcyon' - a digital media company site using image maps and Drupal 7

Website URL



The brief

This is a business I run alongside my freelance Drupal work, so design and development was done in house. For the concept, we decided to steer as far away from traditional business/rental websites as possible, and go for a much more 'designed' approach. We took as much of our high-tech equipment catalogue as we could to a remote location, and photographed a full-page background image, striking a contrast between the technical nature of the our services and the location-based nature of much of the work. The black-and-white aesthetic fit the feel we were after, which we could then offset with the company's dominant blue colour. The whole thing comes together somewhere between a portfolio site and ecommerce catalogue.

Design and Development


new site for a local NGO in Africa

Hello All,

Feed backs are appreciated. There are couple of things i can't still get around to do it: any advice is greatly appreciated, they are as follows: is the site.

In this multilinguistic sites , when i change from english to french , the menu items get changed but i still get the previous visisted page in the cash (please do not try Wolof one , under construction)!

any idea ... thanks


Japan's real estate auction information site

created a real estate auction information site in Japan.

associated with the location information to the node using the gmap module.
Omega theme.



Approaching the Drupal way...

I've just put this website up using a copy of Bartik as a base starting point for the theme. It seems the deeper I get into Drupal the more confused I get - in a "big picture" sort of way. Here's the website - where's the best place to post a long list of comments/questions about the overall Drupal process? Thanks!

Urban Greens Site - Drupal 7, Zen-based theme

I recently developed a new site for Urban Greens Food Co-op, a nonprofit in Rhode Island,

This is a Drupal 7 site with a zen-based theme and a responsive 1/2/3 column design.


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