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Origins of AIDS Web-Site

I have just transferred this site from Joomla (using the Joomla module to import content). Please take a look and let me know what you think.

The functionality is fairly basic, and the theme is just Mayo, but as a basic information site I think it works OK.



Tech Humor

Have been tasked with learning Drupal so figured the best way to do it would be to create my own site. Went with a humor site for techies: Tech4Days

Two things I can't figure out that maybe someone can help me with

1. The subheading breaks to a second line *way* too soon (there's plenty of room for it)

2. How do I make the items in the main menu smaller. Changing the "menu" in Appearance didn't seem to do anything.

Thanks - Online Youtube to MP3 converter

YoutubeMP3x has been built with Drupal 7 & themed with the Blocks theme.

If offers online sound extraction from Youtube movies.
It downloads the movie file from Youtube and starts the conversion immediately.

There are many free online Youtube to MP3 services, but this project tries to beat them in speed.

Features: - Send large email attachments

This is quite a basic tool to provide a free service to share large files and to cope with the limitation of regular email attachments.

The general email attachment limit is 10MB, but nobody knows that 2MB is overhead in the MIME encoding.
So it is advicable to send up to 8MB at maximum via a regular email attachment. limits you to 1GB per file, so you can even share large movie files and big ZIP files. "Scoop it" clone

Scoop it clone with Drupal, based on a premium drupal theme :

You can join us and test it out, this a live website no test please



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