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Men's Kitchen v2

The new version of Men Kitchen.

Used modules:
Display Suite
Flippy - Migration from "dedicated CMS". BAŁTYKGAZ delivers LPG for biz and home (gas and solutions)

BAŁTYKGAZ(Polish) is one of major company on LPG market in Poland. Offering profesional solutions for home and business.

Our (abventor company) major objective was SEO optymalization.


Website Was migrated from CMS and improved. (Layout which previously was created by other company hasn't changed much.)

B-Translator - Getting feedback about translations of programs

B-Translator helps to get feedback about l10n (translations of the programs). It also helps to unify all the different translations and to ensure consistency among the translations. The codename B-Translator can be decoded like Bee Translator, since it aims at collecting very small translation contributions from a wide crowd of people and to dilute them into something useful.

Australia Driving School Forums - a Drupal 7 Advanced Forum Website

We have put up Australia Driving School Forum website. We have used Drupal Advanced Forum and SEO Checklist with custom theme developed.

You can visit the website at

New drupal site

I've just switched my home server to Drupal from TikiWiki, and disabled public posting unless someone wants to make a small subscription payment. My old sites had been completly taken over by spammers.

I'm using the drupal book module to document some code I have done, e.g. an online bible.

Richard Snow

Online t-shirt designer based on webform

We have created an online shirt designer completely based on the wonderfull webform module.
Check it out: and click on the "Start met ontwerpen" button.




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