2 million people per month visit elpopular.pe
"El Popular"
This is the website for a tabloid. The content is mostly about soccer players, television scandals, "beautiful" female dancers, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, etc.
This site has received 1.3 million unique browsers in July, according to official International Advertising Bureau Perú
I was Project Manager for the conception phase, mockups, design, front-end development. My last work about this project was to explain it to IT Team, they build it from the back-end side. The experience of the team was related to previous projects with larger media websites (Sport News website www.libero.pe with 1.5 million unique browsers on July and News website www.larepublica.pe with 5.6 million unique browsers on July.
Home Blocks
I recommend you to explore the block for popular (trending) people "Los que suenan"
You can also find the section for all those people http://www.elpopular.pe/los-que-suenan
The principal grid also offers great content exposition
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