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My new drupal site using Omega


I have created this site mainly to learn Drupal 7 and also to showcase some of the websites I have done for the local community, friends, and charities, having previously only used Joomla and Wordpress. Now that I'm up and running with Drupal, I would not consider using any other CMS.

This is my site (Hosted at Just Host) :-

key modules used :-

-Views & Views Slideshow

My new Freelance Site

Hey All!

I wanted to show off my new website for my side business, TJ Design. I started TJ Design back in 2008 and its gone through many website platforms (HTML, Joomla, WordPress, and finally Drupal).

I have been wanting to remake the website forever and I was really happy to make it on Drupal. I started using Drupal a little over a year ago and this is built on D7. Its fully responsive, using media queries, and I am looking into replacing the menu for mobile with a simple dropdown.

every day cook

Website of recipes:

Australian Frontline Machinery

Just release a beta site, feel free to look and comment:

Music gear site leverages Drupal tech to forge new ecommerce module and social network framework.

Only local images are allowed.

Welcome to!

Its been three years in the making with help of Randy Fay ( Randy implemented feeds compatibility for the Amazon module where development was sponsored by Bobastream, LLC and contributed back to the community.


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