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Make Decisions Smart - online decision-making tools, reference articles, etc.

Hey all,

as this is my first website on Drupal, i would really like to hear your feedback about the work done. If you have any suggestions, remarks or even criticism, please feel free to let me know.


if you think the site is cool, please also like us on facebook, that would really help to get more publicity.


Drupal 7 website for recipes -

Cooklos (κούκλος in greek) plays on words since the name means very handsome in greek. It a website with greek recipes. Cooklos is among very few websites that present original recipes and photos.

The website is based upon functionality since users can register, bookmark and submit recipes. Visitors can search using solr search or finder or simple taxonomies.

So, if you like greek food (and in any case know google translate :) ) then cooklos is a good place to taste it. -Finnish movie review site

Hi all!
Just wanted share my first Drupal site, The content of site is all Finnish, but you can check it out and feel free to comment if you like. Doesn't require any registration. - Sports partners | teams | clubs | classifieds helps match people looking to stay active and wanting to play sport. Find a sports training partner or join a sports team. Find local sports clubs, add your sports club and be found by others. Read our trusted health and fitness blog with tips and tricks to get you into shape. Enjoy the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.


Offradio is the leading independent online radio station in Greece, playing handpicked eclectic music for analog minds in digital times. The website features some sleek HTML5 video headers, an advanced custom-built web radio streaming player and some other neat features, such as a live playlist with Last Fm connection and a music-oriented blog.

Designed by Konstantinos Penlidis and developed by

Old site vs. new one: I need some feedback because some friends tell me they like the old site better...

Hi there!
I´m working on the new version of this site and I would like some feedback. Do you like better the new site or the older one? And why?

Some of the people I know that I´ve asked for their opinion, told me that they liked the older site better, but couldn´t exactly tell me why. So I don´t know if they just prefer the old one because they are just used to it.


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