Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

Paternity Testing Corporation (PTC Labs)

Hi there! I've been using Drupal for a while now but only just now decided to try posting to the forum. Our primary website is located at the following URL.

It employs a customized Marinelli theme and also makes use of the Commerce module for the ordering pages (separate Drupal install--long story). I'd be interested in hearing any feedback on it as well as suggestions for getting us higher up in search engine rankings. We just recently began offering a new service which is a non-invasive method for prenatal paternity testing and I've found that we do not show up in a Google search "prenatal paternity test" until page 12. :-(

I've had a lot of suggestions for improving our page rank, from segmenting the website into a subdomain for each page (?!?) to including our URL in my signature on other websites which I've done here. I'm a little hesitant on the first suggestion because of the work involved and on the second because I don't want to "spam" our brand on web sites where it might be considered irrelevant.

Urban Properties

Property listing site built in Drupal 7. Would love to hear some feedback!

Elegant and Strong Horse Photography

Hey all Drupal fans,

Please take a look at my latest Drupal 7 creation at
The theme was custom designed and built from scratch by me. Interesting features are batch image uploads for site admins to private customers galleries which also have a nice product ordering feature built in.

Feedback on megamenu implementation

Hi there, new to drupal here, and to web development in general.

I've had the opportunity to implement a mega menu and would like some feedback on my markup and approach. I used the menu minipanels module + menu block to create it.

Here's my test site.

Thanks, and glad to be taking part in the community!

Doggy Chat

Good day

I love drupal and build all my sites with it. This is my latest site and I would really appreciate any constructive advice on it. Doggy Chat.

Thank you. is Back online is an online french community, help users with questions and answers, tutoriels, articles.

Why will help in developping Drupal in French speaking countries, France, Africa, Maghreb, we will developping an online help for our users
for free, we will developpe some great product in French.

We are not try to compete with other french communities as we offer different think, and let not debate here, just let our work speak. and copyright


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