This forum is for assistance with theme development.

How to customize CSS?

Hi, I'm new to Drupal and Drupal10.

I installed starterkit so now I have Olivero as default theme, Claro as admin and starterkit theme named as generated_starterkit at the installed theme in the appearance page.

For customizing stylesheets, I created one named as custom.css in web/themes/custom/generated_starterkit/css/.

info.yml is :

Base theme for D10 with pure CSS, no Javascript

Is there a good base theme for D10 with everything done in CSS instead of Javascript? The theme does not have to be perfect, it just has to present everything in a good readable format in environments where Javascript is blocked.

Starterkit Theme Generator vs customizing css directly

Hi. I'm new to Drupal. I just have installed Drupal 10. I'm going to create a website from the theme Olivero(v10.0.9) ; at first I installed non-core themes and used them, but encountered a problem that I could not change themes at all at a certain point, so I re-installed Drupal and decided to use just core theme.

Anyway, now I want to know how to design my website. My concern is whether I should customize css files under /core/themes/olivero or use Starterkit Theme Generator.

Mobile friendly Forum template plus 'Last reply'-related issue

To make your Drupal 9/10 forum better looking, we can optimize an output of the forum table when the mobile detect is enabled:

In our sample we will take Bootstrap for Drupal Subtheme - web/themes/contrib/bfd_subtheme/templates/content/forum/forum-list.html.twig

preliminary part -

Who/what is creating these css files in "docroot/sites/default/files/css/*"

I'm having some trouble with recompiling themes and the changes not getting picked up by my system.

I ended up manually deleting the noted directory and refreshing the caches and it seems to work.

So, the question is 

If theme recompile and a site refresh all caches does NOT work unless I also delete the noted directory, do I have a misconfiguration somewhere?

Who is creating and compacting these files?

Rookie question - varbase/yarn/sccs - simple change of navbar color

I've been struggling with this for a while and need to break down and ask for help.

The goal is to simply change the Navbar background color in the dark theme of Varbase.

Seems simple enough.  I tried using the gin-custom override in the site/default/files directory but that didn't work.

Now I am trying to create a subtheme of the vartheme_bs4 theme.


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