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I would like to create an animated menu for my site "". There is a (single-level) menu item "News/Information" on the right side of the menu bar that I simply want to "blink" when there is something new that should be drawn to attention. My menus are based on Superfish, my theme is (still!) a subtheme of Bartik. Anybody who can point me in the right direction?
I searched around in documentation and haven't found a clue so far : Is there a way to create sample content upon theme install ?
I managed to create a content type itself and a custom block too but I would like to add, when installing the theme, a sample content of each to demonstrate what it looks like once theme installed. Up to the end user to modify or delete it.
I apologize if I was wrong where to post
I have to do some printouts (some very complex) and Entity Print should be fine
I read the article of this link and installed the module.
Then as described I updated the file with this code
Hello everyone I’m new in drupal and I love it. I should create a slider with columns of different size in a row, like this theme. The slide should contain the last recipes inserted. The problem is in the different sizes and and that must be repeated.