This forum is for assistance with theme development.

Bootstrap 5 Barrio theme installed on Drupal 10 question


On Drupal 10, I installed the Bootstrap 5 Barrio theme.

When an article is selected, the un-selected menu buttons are difficult to read in the View Edit Delete Revisions toolbar. Only the by default selected View button is OK.

How can I fix this in the themes style.css file or is there an other solution?



How to do 2 line sentences in a box?


In one of our designs, there are boxed with 2 sentences like this. My developer said it is hard to achieve this design unless it is 1 line sentence. How do we overcome this issue and achieve this design? is it impossible?

"Porting" assistance request.

I've got an old Drupal 8 Theme that the developer basically got it to where it would operate, and has since abandoned it. A working Drupal version of this theme is desired, so I'm attempting to "port" it to work with Drupal 9 and 10. As a fast "bring y'all up to speed", here's a recap of what I've done so far:

How to get raw views--view data (or the output of the query)


I want to have a different HTML tag rendering for my content fields. Currently I'm using views-view-fields--[myview_name].html.twig and I can access the fields using {{ fields.field_name.content }}. But {{ fields.field_name.content }} is actually a HTML rendered field.

How do I get the raw data from the view? Something like {{ node.field_name.value }} from the views-view ?

Thank you for your time

CivicTheme install issue Drupal10

Hi all, whenever I try to install the CivicTheme i get the following errors. If it do install it I get no banner styling etc. What could be wrong....

How do you access a Document URL Alias through an overridden TWIG template?

Using Drupal 10.2.5, I am currently accessing documents within an overridden TWIG template using the URL with the following code:

<a href="{{ file_url(node.field_document.entity.field_media_document.entity.fileuri) }}" target="_blank">

However, I’d really like to be able to access the document using the URL Alias set for the document within the media library.


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