Hello fellow Drupals!
Ok, let me be honest...I'm a Mamber...but I'm very interested in Drupal. I am already highly impressed by how simple and integrated Drupal is. What I would like to know is this:
Take a look at the site: http://www.wbgl.org
I am the new webadmin for this site...however it is, for the most part, static HTML galore...Yuck!
I am looking to convert this to a CMS. I have used Mambo in the past for other projects, however there is a very simple visual element to this site that I wish to capture. I found that in Mambo it was going to take a good chunk of source editing (as far as I have found) to accomplish.
Notice on the main page that all the images have a border around them. Also to the left of all the text entries there is a vertical black line that accompanies the lenght of the text. Collectively this is what I would like to accomplish for all entries on the main page. Very simple in HTML.
The problem with mambo is that the WYSIWYG editors had limited control over how your actual entries layed out as far as formatting is concerned. I know I could have stuck with making purely HTML entries in Mambo w/o using a WYSIWYG editor, however I'm looking to allow non-coders at this station to update parts of the site themselves.
This brings me to Drupal.
How extendable are Drupals themeing mechanisms? With Mambo I would have had to edit the way the data was stored in the SQL tables. While this is something I could have done, I wish to keep this conversion as time-efficient as possible.