I'd like to be able to hide the 'title' and 'submitted by' lines on static
pages. To do that I modified the xtemplate.xtmpl file to dynamically remove
the 'title' and 'submitted by' lines on static pages. I tried to do this with
the following script:
<!-- BEGIN: node -->
<div class="node">
if ($node->type != 'page') {
echo '<div class="title"><a href="' . {link} . '">'
. {title} . '</a></div>';
echo '<span class="author">Submitted by ' . {author} . ' on
' . {date} . '.</span>';
echo '<span class="taxonomy">' . {taxonomy} . '</span>';
<div class="content">{content}</div>
<div class="links">» {links}</div>
<!-- END: node -->
Problem with this latter approach is that it's not getting processed by the
php engine. My when testing this page forum entry the following output is generated:
Node Title | Site Title :( -- note: same as browser title
submitted by John Doe on dateX }?>:(
Ok, when I view source the entire php block is still present in the page sent
to the browser. That makes me thing that this change isn't being processed by
the php engine. Am I correct, and how do I work around this problem if so?