This forum is for assistance with theme development.

page link formatting

Using the 'example' theme page links appear in a vertical format, so I assume this is the default. But using 'marvin' they appear in a row. I have managed to work out I can change the delimeter, but don't understand where or how the links appear in a line, and is it easy to overide it so that the links appear vertically?.

Theme nameing

Hi, can theme names have spaces in them? thanks, Kenny

fixed width variation of xtemplate for Drupal 4.2

I've got a modified version of xtemplate for Drupal 4.2 which is,

how to distinguish between node depths?

Hi there, (sorry, I am a complete newbie to Drupal)

I would like to do a template that actually has two levels in the navigation bar like this:

| all node links in level 1 |
| all node links in level 2 |
| content
| node links of deeper levels |

Linking to the current node in the subject field

Can somebody help me link the subject field to a page featuring only that article?

I'd like the subject field to link to ?q=node/view/###
What variable holds the current post's #?


Many pages break at 800 x 600 resolution

I switched my monitor to 800 x 600 and found that many pages don't fit, at least with IE 6. So far, I've looked mostly at the admin pages. What happens is that if the middle column contains a wide table, textarea, drop down menu or similar component, it often forces the middle column to run over into the third column. It looks ugly. On other pages, the user is required to horizontally scroll to see all the content.


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