This forum is for assistance with theme development.

How to get Moderation State label?


I am trying to get Moderation State label on hook_node_update() hook. I am able to get moderation state machine name using following code.

$node->get('moderation_state')->getString(); // this return "saved"

Machine name is saved and label is Submit for Review.

Is it possible to get label here?



Drupal 9 vs Drupal 8 .info file

I need to know if there are any differences in the meta data in the .info files of Drupal 8 and Drupal 9. Furthermore are there any differences in the themeing process as a whole from Drupal 8 and Drupal 9?



Error when trying to enable Twig debug

I'm getting this error when I add and execute the code below in the file to enable twig debugging.

debug : true
auto_reload: true
cache: false


The error is:

Olivero, working with styles

Pretty new to Drupal ecosistem. Fell in love with Olivero theme and I want to make some visual changes like changing the accent color. If someone could help, how it can be done? I am accustomed with plain css, compiling less/sass, and with custom css files. Here I see none of them to figure out. Also I see teasers of Olivero with multiple color palettes. This could be a future implemented feature or do I have to install a module for it?

Thank you in advance.

Media queries are not working.


We have a website in Drupal 7.

All things are working fine but we have an issue with media queries for making website responsive.

Other all CSS working fine from same file but media queries not working.

@media only screen and (max-width: 414px) {


@media screen and (max-width: 414px) {


We have tried both media queries pattern but CSS is not working under these media queries.

Please help to solve this issue.

How to use remote css?

Can someone provide a clear example of how to access styles from themename.libraries.yml? I want my theme to include:


I understand something like this should work:

type: external
minified: true

But don't know the exact format.


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