This forum is for assistance with theme development.

How do you setup a different domain for oEmbed when embedding Youtube videos?

My Drupal 8 Site report is giving this Media warning:

It is potentially insecure to display oEmbed content in a frame that is served from the same domain as your main Drupal site, as this may allow execution of third-party code. You can specify a different domain for serving oEmbed content here.

 I've been searching various forums and reading Drupal documentation but I cannot find an explanation for how I can fix this warning?

How to disable twig auto escape for specific template

Hi, I'm using Drupal 8.8.1

I created a module for generate rss feed. I created an twig template file podcast-rss-feed.html.twig under templates folder , below is my code:

How get node title in webform?

I have webform with fields: name, phone and hidden field product.
For hidden field I use token [current-page:title]
Alll pages of pruduct have the button that pops up a webform.
When submitting a form I would expect that [current-page:title] returns title of the current product page I'm currently on. Instead it points to webform title.
Please tell me how to get a real title?

Twig Filter replace

I need replace field value to some text if value equal 0
in node--new_material.html.twig

{{ content.field_cena }} - it displays the value

These filter versions don't work

{{ content.field_cena|replace({'%0%': 'some text'}) }}
{{ content.field_cena|replace('0', 'some text') }}
{{ content.field_cena.0|replace({'%0%': 'some text'}) }}
{{ content.field_cena.0|replace('0', 'some text') }}

nothing is displayed.

Please tell me the solution!

Collapsible blocks


I have a custom block and I want to make it collapsible sideways when it appears on my custom page. I have looked for examples but I found nothing helpful. Could you please guide me?


Grids in Views: Aligning Image


I have a view page with grids like the following.

How can align the image at the center of the grid cell with equal padding on all 4 sides?

I am new to css, your help is appreciated.


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