This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

How to start a tour for unauthenticated (guest) users?

I am able to create a tour and show it for admin users, as it has a "tour" button in the top toolbar right hand side. The tour works fine there.

However how can I show/'start this tour for guest users? They see pages that do not have the admin toolbar (and so no tour button)

Please let me know how to approach this. (I am aware that this will need some coding/customization etc.)

Please point me to any application/example code/tutorial etc where this is already in place.

Feeds show up as content

Hi :) I'm somewhat of a newbie... So please bare with me.

I want to add feeds of employee directory to my drupal 10 site.  When I add them, it creates a content for each employee.  I tried searching for this, couldn't find anything here or on the web.  

I don't want the content page to show 1000+ employees, what can I do?  Anyone?

Can't access data posted from Dialog.ajax to dialog box

I am opening a simple dialog box from Ajax, using the following code-

var exportActionDialog = Dialog.ajax({
dialog: dialogSettings,
dialogType: 'modal',
type: 'POST',
url: '/web/admin/crm/export-dialog',
data: { whatever: 'itworking' },
progress: { type: 'throbber'}

The dialog actually opens successfully and displays the form associated with the url.

But I can't get the value of the whatever post variable.


How beginner user of drupal org can improve in module development and code question?

For Beginner user of the websites, What do he or she understand to applying website well.?

For Beginner web user, Which modules should  he or she study ? 


How to use ExtensionList::getName in a controller class

I want to call this function: public function ExtensionList::getName from my controller class in order to get the human name from the machine name. I'm trying to do it like this:

$human_name = \Drupal\Core\ExtensionList::getName('advanced_help');

which isn't working. The error is:

Error: Class "Drupal\Core\ExtensionList" not found in …

TEXT_FORMAT Don't working from Ajax


I have a big problem for adding a  text_format type in a form from Ajax callback.

Exemple : Part in WidgetBase formElement(...) function

$form['zonedev'] = [
  '#type' => 'markup',
  '#markup' => t('<div id="suite"></div>'),

Exemple : Ajax Callback


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