This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

[Closed] Access Control modules in Drupal 10


I'm having problems controlling access to nodes since I upgraded to Drupal 10. The options I had explored, by taxonomy or by content, have not yet been upgraded to Drupal 10. Any solutions?
Thank you so much.

I accidentally deleted a module

Hello community, I am new to Drupal and I am investigating how it works, the question is that I deleted by mistake the content article that brings by default, I searched and found how to create a new one, but using it does not publish it on the main page.
Does anyone know why? thank you very much!

Unit test cases for Drupal custom modules

We are using Drupal CMS to store the multilingual content and its served through custom APIs. We have a CMS GUI for content authors where they can view, search, filter, translate, add, edit and delete the content. We have done lots of customization in the CMS and also migration it from Drupal 7 to 8 and to 9.

Lack of php-concept to Drupal 10 {there is an absence of php-editor, of views-php inside}

Drupal 10 is like a continuous and duuuuull pain...

To install drupal 10 you must conceive the Composer; after doing that, you solve, how to enable video.js to play videos.

Having been tried to add 'drupal/ace_editor:^2.0@alpha', it states, that some damned npm-asset/ace-builds ~1.0 must be done.

What a!

I do not know, how to use npm-asset.

Are you serious about making drupal 10 like the Quest?!?

Pals from Drupal, please, come back to Earth!

DDEV, Lando, Docker4Drupal, Docksal -- why choose one over the other?

Judging by Github stars, the most popular Docker-based developer environments are Lando (3.7K), DDEV (1.8K), Docker4Drupal (1.2K), and Docksal (600).

OpenDialogCommand buttons return Uncaught TypeError

Drupal 9.4. I am working on a module that reacts to managed_file events. On uploadAjaxCallback I wish to add a modal confirming some user intentions with a confirmation modal. The code is like the following...


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