This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Drupal 10: Twig template for forms

Hello all,

I have developed a custom module that implements FormBase. I am displaying the form data as an HTML table with a remove button. Everything works well however there is a piece of code in the Twig template that feels hacky and I am looking for the proper implementation of it.

I declare an array of plain_text elements containing the record information like this:

Finding the editable paragraph referenced

I’m creating a backend search where the results point at not only the page/node the term may be found on, but also the location where the text can be edited by the admins.

Make trigger link on views field


I need from my views field make link which will on click trigger small code for creating new row in SQL DB.

I already have new module and my views field is in src/plugin/views/field/NewViewsField.php.

Code for inserting row in DB SQL table works and it is NewViewsField.php in class/method NewViewsField::render

But I don't know how to implement it on click and not on display page.

Views - Exposed filter, entity reference field relationship

The request is a bit difficult to explain, I hope I can do it
I have 3 content types
- Applicant Master
- Master Data Holders (Anagrafica Titolari)
- Movements.

In Applicant Master I have an entity reference field (field_titolare) linked to the Owner Master.

How to allow 'outsiders' access to private forum topics if group visibility is set to public

I have set up Private Forums on my site, creating forum containers for each group. We have a requirement to allow authenticated non-group members to view/create/edit forum topics for groups that are not private (group visibility set to Public). By default, private forums restrict access to forum topics to group members only. I tried to implement custom visibility (like this), but still, a non-group member gets the Access Denied page.


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