This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Could not find the TinyMCE engine installed at modules/tinymce/tinymce/

When i go to Adminstrator > settings > Tinymce... i get the following error...has anyone dealt with this before...

i do have tinymce installed into my modules directory...but i dont know why this is i get upload the mysql file in phpMyAdmin...

please help....


Could not find the TinyMCE engine installed at modules/tinymce/tinymce/. Please download TinyMCE, uncompress it and copy the folder into modules/tinymce.

Last news at the front page

Good time!

How i can show last nodes (or part of the node) from the same taxonomy to my visitors using front_page.module?
I whant to get code, that can help me show last nodes using php.

Thank You.

FlexiMAX: the holy grail of theming flexinode teasers and nodes....

Hi Guys,

I'm wokring on a patch/feature request, for the FLEXINODE.MODULE that has been asked many many times on here. And that is how to theme flexinode content at the $content level.

It's based on code that has pulled together and I have uploaded a simple patched version of flexinode.module (4.6.x) to my sandbox.

The purpose of this thread is to tidy up Kiev1s code so it can be submitted as a patch properly for the flexinode.module.

The key functionality of the patch is as follows:

  1. Allows users to very simply and easily customise the way teasers and full nodes are displayed for each flexinode type from within Drupal.
  2. The Fleximax patch strips out the $node->flexinode-n fields an replaces them with simple to use {n} fields you can insert within custom HTML code to get very flexible with your layouts.
  3. The interface is illustrated in this screenshot. You simply go to ADMINISTER -->> CONTENT -->> CONTENT TYPES and click on the appropriate EDIT CONTENT TYPE link to customise the layout.
    The fleximax patch automatically generates a list of flexinode fields for you on that page, so it makes it very simple and intuitive to use.

Personalized Event Calendar module

Does Drupal have an advanced calendar, does it support per user calendars? if yes pls provide information about that. I would like each user to have a personalized calendar. If no, I can do little bit programming, If any body provide guidelines for developping this module my-self those guidelines would be appreciated and I could contribute this module to drupal also.

Thanks in advance.

how to hide/delete a tab

I'm trying to develop a module, but there is something I don't undestand: I would like to hide the "edit" tab from a node visualization... The tab is probably called by "theme_menu_local_task" function, but who call it for generate the "edit" tab, and where?
I hope someone can help me!

WHM module for Drupal development

I am working on creating a module for Drupal that will allow the administrator to set up hosting packages if they have WHM. Right now, I'm mainly in the development stage, and have a great deal based off of the PayPal Subscription module (credit where credit is due). I liked a lot of the ideas in there, but I wanted to fully integrate the PayPal Subscriptions.
I am planning to include:

  • Use PayPal subscriptions as the payment management system
  • Allow administrators to import their packages from WHM and then create subscriptions based off of this allowing them to specify different subscription lengths and possibly other services also such as tech support and search engine submission (not managed through this module)
  • Allow discount codes to be used
  • Allow for a grace period if a subscription payment is missed
  • Define custom e-mails (ala PayPal Subscription Module) for each subscription for new customers, late payment notices, and cancellation notices as well as having default e-mails
  • Allow users to change their packages (This will be a setting that will be disabled as it will involve sending a link probably though the shell itself to WHM with the admin name and PW. So, I have concerns about possible security breaches)
  • Track payment history
  • Allow only Authentificated users to create cPanel accounts


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