This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

trackbacks doesn't appear in nodes

Hi guys.

I cannot see the link with the trackbacks counter in nodes. Somebody can help me??

I'm using drupal 4.6


Role-based fields in flexinode and CCK

One of the specs for the Content Construction Kit is private fields. Has anyone implemented role-based fields in flexinode? Could this easily be implemented in flexinode and then ported to work w/ the CCK once it is completed?

When creating a new flexinode type, role-based fields would allow you to select which roles can see a field when creating flexinode content - if you do not have the proper role for a field, it is invisible. Also, when viewing a published flexinode, if you do not have the proper role, the field is also invisible.

something i've tried in a phptemplate override is:

<?php elseif ($field_id == 6 && user_access('administer nodes')) : ?>
<div class="flexinode-textarea-6">
<strong><em><?php print $label; ?>: </em></strong><br />
<?php print $formatted_value; ?>
</div><br />?>

This obviously is not automated at all for the user, as it is in the tpl.php theme file, nor do I know how secure this is. Also, this does nothing to hide the field when creating a new flexinode. Another valuable spec would be the capability to later change the permissions on a field to allow additional or fewer roles to edit or view the field.

If this has never been implemented, I may be interested in doing a bounty to get it implemented, but also try to do it in such a way that would easily port from flexinode to CCK, if at all possible.

Print page module for 4.6?

Is print module available in 4.6.x version? I can find this module only 4.5.x version.

Redirect after node delete

Is there anyway I can redirect the user to a specific page after they have deleted a node of a specific type? The path will be determined by a field in the node itself. I would think this would be a common issue as how would a site with user created nodes that can be deleted but where the user doesn't have administration privileges. Currently the user is forwarded to admin/nodes giving them an access denied page.


Drupal Coding Style?

I am working on a couple of modules and am using the core modules as an example style. But it would be nice to know if there is a style guide for modules that the Drupal community prefers. A search found too many hits to be useful. Based on existing modules and some forum comments I am guessing something like:


Testing to see if a node's Organic groups 'audience' includes a particular group


I am trying to modify event.module (the calendar module) so that the Upcoming events block will only list an event if its audience includes the group that the user is currently viewing. I think that I can get this behavior by modifying the following function from event.module so that the assignment statement in the body of the while loop is only executed if the audience of $node (an event) includes the group that the user is currently viewing (the group with node id equal to arg(1)). But I'm not sure how to perform that test.


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