This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

node_privacy_byrole not working. All roles can view, no matter what.

I can't get node_privacy_byrole to do its job in 4.6. I have tried everything. Even creating new nodes and new users, but it seems to impose no restrictions at all.

I am also using organic groups module but I thought they were supposed to compliment each other.

Comments and questions on the event module

I'm excited about the new "Event" module, which seems to me to be on the way to resolving that critical issue of GMT versus local time.


Regarding weblink. Can we expect it to be released for 4.6? I'm ready to pay for this feature.

I'd like to have a block to post links, just like at public broadcast column (3rd from left).
Just a title for the links, url and short desciption. Commenting would be great. Would that be possible to do in Drupal?

Let me know how can I help and how to donate.

Thank you!

ecommerce (4.6 ?) on Drupal 4.6: shipping module

Hello everybody ;-)

I installed the ecommerce-4.6.0 (03-05-2005) on Drupal 4.6.
Everything seems to work fine but the shipping section: I cannot choose 'shipping options'

- Shipping costs are calculated on a per product basis.
- Shipping costs are calculated based on the total quantity of items in the cart.
- Shipping costs are calculated based on the total cost of items in the cart.
- Do not calculate shipping costs.

Multi-sites, shared database...

Okay, this may sound crazy, but there's a logic.

I need to set up multiple instances of Drupal. Easy enough. Drupal makes that simple. HOWEVER, I also need the different sites to share the information. Before I continue I should explain the goal.

My website ( is for a small, independent record label. We want to manage all of our artist's webpages in a way that will easily let them update content about themselves. We would like for the sites to share a user database, so that users won't have to sign up for, et cetera, they simply sign up for and they are done. Another thing: we would also like for the sites to share articles with the main page. The idea is simple: each band will create news articles about themselves which will appear on their pages, however all of the artists' news will be combined to create a news section on the main page.

So I need to find a way to set up my main site to share it's user data with my sub-sites. I also need to make my sub-sites share their news articles with my main site. To top it all off, I need to create a page that will allow me (the admin) to select which users are our artists and hence get their own sub-site, and automatically create the files for that sub-site. Users that are not our artists should only be allowed to view pages, comment on things and participate in the forum.

secure site problem

Hi all,

I create two users on my website Drupal .
When I activate the module secure site and I check Enable HTTP auth, I have a Login window ( ok it's good)
But I have a problem, I can't login with the second user. The login with the administrator account ( the first) works.
I see the second account properties but he has authenticated user Role .
Someone have an Idea?

Thx A lot
See ya


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