I'm working on a script to take the dmoz RDF dump data ( http://rdf.dmoz.org/ ) and import the categories (~600K of them) into Drupal as taxonomy terms in a vocabulary.
The script can produce SQL like the following:
INSERT INTO term_data ( tid, vid, name, description ) VALUES (1, 1, "Top", "Top");
INSERT INTO term_hierarchy ( tid, parent ) VALUES (1, 0);
INSERT INTO term_data ( tid, vid, name, description ) VALUES (2, 1, "Arts", "Top/Arts");
INSERT INTO term_hierarchy ( tid, parent ) VALUES (2, 1);
INSERT INTO term_data ( tid, vid, name, description ) VALUES (38, 1, "Movies", "Top/Arts/Movies");
INSERT INTO term_hierarchy ( tid, parent ) VALUES (38, 2);
INSERT INTO term_data ( tid, vid, name, description ) VALUES (465672, 1, "Titles", "Top/Arts/Movies/Titles");
It's very much a work in progress, and at this point, I don't have any specific questions to ask anyone. The purpose of this post is simply to let people know what I'm doing, in case anyone is interested in the same thing, or has any suggestions or knows of any gotchas.