This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

need help with theme call

I am converting my site from 4.3.2 to 4.4.0 and some custom mudules called latest_comment, latest_blog stopped working. They throw the following error:

warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/harmonic/public_html/bluesharp/themes/xtemplate/xtemplate.theme on line 245.

weblink , needs way to link directly to outside site ?

I was thinking that actually having links on sites is better for search engines.

I think a way to stay search engine friendly and be able to keey track of the clicks is to have a redirect page. So for example clicking on /weblink/goto/39 will actually show a page with a meta refresh to like 2 seconds and also have a manual link that is actual link.

Also can have a config options that selects the method.

fileupload module - preview problems

i've installed a 4.4.0 site and am trying to get the fileupload module from
to work.

Home Link


I would like to create a link in the main navigation with the menu()-function which points to the frontpage
"Home" --> http://host/drupal-cvs



Democratic user promotion

Among a large group of people, who is best qualified to promote a person to a position of authority or responsibility? Where I live, we hold elections to decide who will lead us and who will assume special responsibilities for the community. With more people participating in the election process, the responsibility for promoting a person is distributed. A single person is not responsible for promoting the wrong person; the blame rests equally on all who voted. As I see it, the reasoning is that the aggregate decisions of many people are more reliable than the singular decision of one person.

If so, the same idea is also relevant to large online communities.

For example, consider a large online community like 6000 users strong by my estimate--with multiple levels of responsibility. Levels of responsibility could include Forum Moderator, Book Review Editor, and Project Leader. With thousands of users available with varying levels of credibility, who can decide which user is suitable for a role?

An election takes the pressure off the Site Administrator. This implies a level of trust in the judgement of the community, of course. But no longer is the Site Admin responsible for gauging the quality of candidates for a role. Instead, the candidates must convince other people of their suitability. The candidate would have to persuade a percentage of the community or perhaps just a certain number of people. In the case of Project Leader the project's group members would be the community, and in the case of Forum Moderator every user would form the community.

How to submit a new module

Hi, i've written a little drupal module that implements a newsletter system and i would like to add it to the contributed module section. What do i have to do? I've tried to get a CVS account but i got no reply.. i've tried to create a new project but (at the end of the process) it says that i'm not authorized..


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