This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

random pic module

i wanna show random pics on my right column of site. i think i have to make a module but cant do that. So can someone help me. i put my all pics in my images directory. i want my module can chose ramdom pics from there and show on my site like a block... Thnx

Ps. (dont talk about image.module pls)

Needed: Statistics that count only unique hostnames

Pretty much what it says up there. Statistics are great, but not when they're counting repeated visits from the same IP address. I'd really like it if there was a way to filter statistics so that I could really see just how many unique IP addresses (and users) are viewing a node, instead of counting every time it's accessed.

Taxonomy_browser.module cheers and a question about selecting

Happy me! The taxonomy browser is just about what I needed. I have created a combination of css and crude hacks to the module to get things to look the way I want, but it needs a bit more work to be compatible with IE/PC. However a screenshot of it is up
HERE. I'll be happy to send anyone the drafts, but it will be sometime next week before it is worked out.

Print passwords and/or Auto-mailer

We'd like to request a feature which could be used in place of, or in combination with
the auto-mailer of Drupal. When a user creates a new account, we would like Drupal to
print their password on the following page (as it currently does for user #1) and then
allow the user to immediately change their password on the following screen. Within
'administer site' it would be ideal to allow the admin to choose whether to email new
passwords, require admin verification, print passwords immediately during creation of

Better localization?

It would be nice if one could write two versions of each node (story/blog entry etc) when adding them. So that there would be two text field for the "body" of the story.
I think back-end had this feature...?

I didn't post this to the feature request area because I'm not sure if this feature already exists somewhere :)

Problems updating some modules for prefixing

I have updated my Drupal installation from 4.2.0 to 4.3.0 and read the documentation about updating modules for the prefixing. I downloaded the ones which have been updated already (Privatemsg) and has Smileys and weblink have yet to be updated I thought I would have a go. However I tried and broke both completely and can't see the problem. Are these affected by any other update or am I just crap and have to wait until they are updated by the authors in the next week or so. I am awful at SQL related stuff so am a bit lost.


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