This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

What's a pager?

Here's a stupid question, but it didn't show up in the docs so far...

What's a pager?

I'm guessing that it's the "Previous Next" links at the top of a page to browse many, many comments.

But, I don't really understand the comment in

- Use this function when doing select queries you wish to be able to page.

I see pager_blah used a lot in the modules, without truly knowing what they are or what it does, so any clarification would be appreciated!

Thank you!

xstory.module problem

hi. i like the extra functions in the xstory.module, but i can't seem to get it to work. when i put in data in the fields and press preview, the only thing i get back in the preview area is:

Array ( )

anybody have any idea what is wrong or how to fix it?

i understand that this is still experimental. hopefully this helps in development.


node module

How can I tell drupal to format the entry of some forms into a table an display it in the node body. I tried to modify the page.module, but it's only able to display the Body text.

Perhaps I could save the form-entries into variables, let them be formatted by PHP an then save entirely as body? But I wouldn't be able to change them after. Buhuhuuu!!!

I'm forced to save all the form entries into the database and let them be formatted afterwards!

cannot invoke imagemagick in php safe mode

Specifically, I cannot use the image module because php is configured to run in safe mode at my host service. I have been able to circumvent this by invoking drupal as a cgi script, but this has some nasty side effects. First, there are the typical performance issues that come with running this way. It also required a lot of work to configure the php runtime parameters. Surely there has to be a better way.

Selecting a different database inside a module

What is the best way to select a different database on the same server within a custom module and still use drupal's database framework (i.e., db_query, db_fetch_object)?

The problem i am running into is that as soon as i connect to my other database drupal thinks that it's tables are on this database and starts throwing a bunch of query errors. In otherwards it doesn't know that it should switch back to it's own db. Here is my workaround so far.

Changed Modul

my english is not so good, so don't be angry ;-)

I have installed the drupal 4.2.0 on my website and have added the module : taxonomy_html.

I have added a function to the module : taxonomy_html_link : the menu link.

Is that ok ?
Must i delete the code ?

DarkDexter webmaster of


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