For problems and solutions related to database compatibility.

Help i will maka a page like

Hi i want a website that has approximately the same as Content but I do not know how to begin because someone can help me please i need help to build up the page
lg color design

Bug tracker for Drupal 7

Hello Friends,

I love to really like to port my site to drupal 7, but my site requires an issue tracker. I have try the support module, but it looks like heavily orientated towards support tickets (add clients, all users can not able to view eachothers tickets).

I am not able to understand why it's happening only in drupal 7, but drupal 6 is supporting...

Looking for help for this issue...

Thanks in advanced!

Create a search system on drupal 7 site

Hi there!

I have to create a system hotel booking search for a project on drupal.

The interface looks like this

I can actually create a content type for searching but them problem is how to do a search for the items the user want. All information is stored in database. Maybe I should figure out how database is structured in drupal 7 and how to work with that. How database is related to every "hotel" node, that I create?

MSSQL database connection issue

I was unable to connect o mssql database in drupal6.
The steps i am using are:

$atams = mssql_connect($servername,$username,$pwd);
mssql_select_db($db, $atams);

I was not getting any message displayed after above two functions.
I am using this function in the module.

Transfered website from Shared server to a dedicated server

i have transferred my websites from a shared server to a dedicated server and the databases wont connect.

I backed up the old database files into a .dump file, created new databases in the hosting c-panel, restored the databases, opened up the settings.php file and put in the new db credentials.

This is the string i input into the settings.php:
$db_url = 'mysql://(dbUserName):(password)@(dbName)';

And i am getting this error:

Site off-line


Hey im completely new to working with drupal, and i ran into a problem regarding storing the data a user have just submitted.

ive got my db table like this:

$schema['medarbejderkartotek'] = array(
  'description' => 'TODO: please describe this table!',
  'fields' => array(
    'medarbejde_ID' => array(
      'description' => 'TODO: please describe this field!',
      'type' => 'serial',
      'not null' => TRUE,
    'Navn' => array(
      'description' => 'TODO: please describe this field!',
      'type' => 'text',
      'not null' => TRUE,
  'unique keys' => array(
    'ID' => array('medarbejde_ID')

my form like this :

function sagsstyring_opret_medarbejder($form, &$form_state) {
    '#title'=> t('Indtast medarbejders navn'),
    '#type'=> 'textfield',
    '#required' => TRUE,  
    '#maxlength'=> 40,
  $form['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Opret'),
return $form;

and my question is then, how my submit should be, in order to get the user input stored in the database ?

function sagsstyring_opret_medarbejder_submit($form, &$form_state) {

    -> fields(array(
      'Navn' => 'Medarbejder_navn',


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