This forum is for news and announcements to the Drupal community at large.

Url to Video Filter module

I've just released the Url to Video Filter module.

This module creates an input filter that can be used in a text format, that will automatically parse YouTube and/or Vimeo URLs into embedded videos. This means that any field that uses text formats can have URLs directly pasted into the body, and the URL will be replaced with the relevant video.

Predictions for 2017

Like last year around this date, it is the time of year where we predict what the future wil bring for Drupal. Will decoupled Drupal get a head start? Wil chatbots be written in Drupal, will our tool fuel the Internet of Things, will the Whitehouse still run Drupal and will there be an IPO of a Drupal company?

New module: Mcdoolz Social

Hey folk; I released a sandbox project I call _social a few weeks ago and I'd like to take it to full project status but I felt I should let people try it out first.

It is a social network links module for making linking to social networking pages super easy and client sustainable.

drupal 7 video problem

Hi friends,
I want to add video to my web page by using Drupal 7.
I will share my video on a block.
I added video but It didn't work.
It gives an error like this : “ Video not found ”
I glad if you share with me your help and ideas about this issue.
Thank you.

Community Working Group Statement Regarding DrupalCamp Munich 2016

A copy of this statement is also available at

What Happened

On December 1, 2016, the Drupal Community Working Group (CWG) heard concerns from several attendees and prospective attendees of DrupalCamp Munich, a volunteer-run community event, as well as others in the Drupal community.

Drupal 7 Views Cookbook - REVISED!

Drupal 7 Views Cookbook, Revised, has been released and is available at Amazon and Packt Publishing.

If you purchased a print or electronic version of the original at Packt, you are eligible to receive a free e-book of this revision.


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