This forum is for news and announcements to the Drupal community at large.

How is Drupal 8 doing?

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The one big question I get asked over and over these days is: "How is Drupal 8 doing?". It's understandable. Drupal 8 is the first new version of Drupal in five years and represents a significant rethinking of Drupal.

So how is Drupal 8 doing? With less than half a year since Drupal 8 was released, I'm happy to answer: outstanding!

Announcing: new Drupal8 core and contributed module review site for Drupal developers

Webel IT Australia is releasing a new Drupal8 info and module assessment site here:

Although developed primarily for my own use, it is being made public in the hope that it may be of use already to other Drupal developers interested in assessments of the readiness of Drupal8 core and contributed modules. The site also already includes lots of external links to essential Drupal8 docs, reviews, tips, tutorials and reviews by other developers.

Applaud the Drupal Maintainers

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Today is another big day for Drupal as we just released Drupal 8.1.0. Drupal 8.1.0 is an important milestone as it is a departure from the Drupal 7 release schedule where we couldn't add significant new features until Drupal 8. Drupal 8.1.0 balances maintenance with innovation.

State of Drupal 2016 survey

I've been writing a lot about what I believe is important for the future of Drupal, but now it is your turn.

Launch of the Aaron Winborn Award 2016

Last year, in honor of long-time Drupal contributor Aaron Winborn, Community Working Group, with the support of the Drupal Association launched the Aaron Winborn Award.


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