This forum is for news and announcements to the Drupal community at large. Scheduled Downtime Thursday, April 19, 5:00 PDT (April 20 00:00 UTC) and its sub-sites (,,, etc) will be going down for 45 minutes Thursday, April 19, 5:00 PDT (April 20 00:00 UTC). This maintenance window will be used to upgrade our backend media servers. Please follow the @drupal_infra twitter account for updates during the downtime and thanks for your patience!

NOTE: During this downtime window, we will also disable access to the git repositories via SSH. The git:// protocol will still be functional. Update: New maintainers and plans for Drupal 7

Back in 2009, Groups.Drupal.Org (GDO) went through a major transition including upgrading from Drupal 5 to Drupal 6, a redesign, and adding new maintainers. We are currently in the process of a similar transition. The site has already gone through a redesign, and as we make plans to transition to Drupal 7, we will also be moving to new maintainers for the next year.

Making it easier to contribute to GDO

Silicon Valley Drupal User Group

Hey All,

We have a new Facebook group for the Silicon Valley Drupal User Group (SVDUG). Please join us!

/drupalgive initiative

Hi friends. I'm hoping that you'll support another Drupal community initiative that I've recently dreamed up. All you have to do is add a /drupalgive page to your organization's web site.

Two organizations have published already at and These pages are based on a design by Nica Lorber of Chapter Three. Feel free to reuse this design or just publish a plain listing page. It is better to publish a plain page than none at all. Or use the Feature at

A /drupalgive page highlights the great work that your organization is doing for the Drupal project. Not only does your organization receive credit for the work you do, but we also nudge other organizations to give back as well. I expect that employees and potential hires from non-contributing organizations will start demanding to give back. This initiative gives those folks something to point to when advocating and educating inside their organization.

Here are examples of appropriate and inappropriate items for a /drupalgive page:

  1. A podcast educating folks about great Contrib modules.
  2. A link to a significant patch review or commit on
  3. A blog post about Drupalish wireframe templates that anyone can use.

Drupal 7 Views Cookbook released

Containing over 50 'recipes' for Views 3 on Drupal 7, this 'cookbook' is available for ordering from Packt Publishing. If you are interested in reviewing the book, please contact Vishal Tiwari (, as he has limited free e-book copies available for reviewers.

The Drupal content management system is purposely created with a ‘light footprint,’ leaving it to the user or developer to add wanted features. Views is the #1 add-on module for Drupal and enables you to filter, select and present your content in ways that are more meaningful to your site visitors.

UX Team Q1 2012 update

Bojhan Somers and Roy Scholten are the Drupal UX Team leads.

We believe that Drupal 8 User Experience needs a lot of work to truly make all users of Drupal love what they are working with. We believe that by improving core, we improve the entire Drupal experience for everyone.

How are we doing this? By working with core initiatives, providing ideas, sketches, wireframes, detailed designs, and actively engaging in discussion. D7UX taught us a lot of hard lessons, we now know how to communicate our design rationale more clearly, maintain a UX vision throughout the maze of issues, and empower developers.

What are we working on? We are working on a few initiatives; mobile, blocks & layouts, multilingual and leading a lot of smaller efforts around improving our content authoring and site building experiences.

Drupal 8 design progress so far

Content creation

Our content creation experience is still far from being great, but we have been improving the content creation experience from all angles. We have received lots of feedback on our proposals, and iterated with the community on various parts of this experience.


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