adminrole 6.x-1.x-dev

New features
Bug fixes

Here is a dev release. I think everything is in working order, please test and let me know

image_fupload 6.x-1.x-dev

New features

New dev release with a lot of features which will be included next time, step by step. At the moment, there's only a new structure compared to 0.* dev version =)

Changes (compared to release)

+ feature, # bug, - removed

  • + [#282213] (loze) added CSS File to provide a visible progressbar. Can be overwritten by theme.

simplenews 6.x-1.0-beta4

Security update
New features
Bug fixes


* Security improvements to lists of taxonomy terms (newsletter series) on admin pages and subscription forms. See SA-2008-056 - Simplenews - Cross site scripting for details.

New features

* Trigger on subscription and unsubscription. (#270835: Send a newsletter upon subscription)
* i18n integration:

  • Multilingual taxonomy of 'Localized terms' and 'per language terms' is supported.
  • Translated nodes send to subscribers by their preferred language.
  • Path prefixes are added to footer message according to the subscribers preferred language when required.
  • Anonymous users are subscribed with a preferred language based on the subscription page language. (#285719: Allow anonymous users to subscribe with a preferred language)

* Permission for 'administer simplenews settings'
* Mass unsubscribe admin function. ([#200512[)

Usability improvements

* On one page admin can select node type and vocabulary simplenews uses.
* Newsletter vocab now only controlled by simplenews settings.
* Newsletter specific from name and address default to the simplenews general settings. (#222530: "From name" doesn't show up in the mail.)
* Improved usability of newsletter specific settings. (#278823: Improve usability of newsletter specific settings.)
* Reorder simplenews settings functions.
* Divide simplenews admin pages in 'content' and 'settings'. (#278109: Divide simplenews admin pages in 'content' and 'settings')

weather 6.x-4.1

Bug fixes


  • Fix typo in variable name for relative humidity. Thanks to Ramon Magnus for the bug report.


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