user_register_notify 6.x-1.7

New features
Bug fixes

#284321: notify on user profile update Add notify on user profile update
fixed for the problems from 1.5 that stuck around in 1.6.


innovationnews 6.x-1.2-beta2

Bug fixes

Beta 2 and Beta 3 are incomplete packages as a result of a CVS commit error.

Please refer to Beta 4, which includes all updates which were meant to be included in Beta 2 and Beta 3:

link 6.x-2.3.1

Bug fixes

This updated version of link module fixes a single critical bug in the 2.3 version that prevented link module from operating correcting with versions of mySQL prior to mySQL 5.0.3. Upgrading is highly recommended.

Bug Fixes:
#283398: URL Length in MySQL 4

workspace 6.x-1.0

New features

The workspace module has been rewritten for Drupal 6. The core functionality remains the same: it simply shows you lists of content. New features:

- inspired by kmillecam's work on #232031, I've broken the lists into Content, Comments, and Attachments. This should help with performance and gets rid of the giant UNION query.

- more permissions. Now users can view each others' workspaces with the 'view all workspaces' permission.

Other changes:

- dropped support for the obsolete nodeperm_role and flexinode modules.


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