innovationnews 6.x-1.2-beta1

Bug fixes

This is the working beta of Innovation News. Previous beta releases (1.0 and 1.1) were either incomplete packages or otherwise problematic.

drupal 6.3

Security update
Bug fixes

The third maintenance and security release of the Drupal 6 series. Only fixes for security vulnerabilities and other bugs have been committed. New features are only being added to the forthcoming Drupal 7.0 release.

This release fixes security vulnerabilities. Sites are urged to upgrade immediately after reading the security announcement:

In addition to this security vulnerability, the following bugs have been fixed since the 6.2 release:

  • - Patch #245904 by boombatower: fixed E_NOTICE warning in the XML-RPC library.
  • - Patch #245826 by Jax: trust_root is not set for OpenID 1.0 due to an undefined variable.
  • - Patch #244942 by pwolanin: fixed outdated function name in schema description.
  • - Patch #236242 by jpoesen and Garrett Albright: fixed two typos in the node module's install file.
  • - Patch #232433 by mfb: make sure RSS feeds validate.
  • - Patch #249941 by John Morahan: fixed incorrect parameters of watchdog() calls.

innovationnews 6.x-1.1-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

The first beta release of the Innovation News modules. XML features have been added to Edition Viewer and various bugs have been fixed.

noprob 6.x-1.2

Bug fixes

Changed two short open tags in page.tpl.php to standard tags.

bookmarks 6.x-1.4-2

Bug fixes

#280151 : Edit / Delete operations not working. Fixed


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