dhtml_menu 6.x-3.x-dev

New features
Bug fixes

This version of DHTML Menu has been rewritten to use the theme_registy_alter hook, allowing it to hijack the themable functions of the Menu API rather than adding preprocessing functions for the blocks.

The module is much more flexible with this approach, which means that DHTML Menu now works with Book Navigation.

dhtml_menu 6.x-2.2

New features
Bug fixes

DHTML Menu 6.x-2.2 is the final release of DHTML Menu 6.x-2.x; the module has been rewritten for DHTML Menu 6.x-3.0 and 7.x-1.0.

The following features have been added to this version:
- DHTML Menu has been localized to French.
- #276775: Global enable/disable switch for DHTML Menus

bookingsapi 6.x-1.0-alpha1

Works with the alpha1 release of Public Bookings. Note that neither module has been tested from a clean install yet, so there is a chance of table schema discrepancies that haven't been caught.

Be sure to install the Date API patches listed in README.txt.

publicbookings 6.x-1.0-alpha1

Basic creation of bookings, resources, and availabilities is working, with conflict checking.

Some actions present in Bookings API, like deletions, have not yet been implemented in the Public Bookings module.

Be sure to apply the Date API patches listed in the README.txt of Bookings API.


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