biblio 6.x-1.0-beta8

Bug fixes

This release fixes a problem with beta7 with prevented some author names from displaying.

mail_edit 6.x-1.x-dev

This is the development snapshot of Mail Editor for Drupal 6.

See the change log for the changes since the latest recommended release.

htmLawed 6.x-2.2

New features
Bug fixes

Version 2.2 updates htmLawed to new 1.1 version (which has a bug-fix and a new, code beautification/tidy feature), improves notification about unsaved config, and has bug-fixes for saving PHP code when content is filtered before being saved

filebrowser 6.x-2.0-rc1

New features
Bug fixes
  • Fixed bug where parent directory file (..) was not shown when ".*" is part of the file blacklist.
  • Added theme_filebrowser_page_title() for theming the page title. Rearranged the display of directory meta information to the top of the node. The node title is now the default title for the node and has been added back to the node form.
  • Fixed bug where links to files was not correct with Clean URLs disabled
  • Fixed bug with file ordering so that it's correct. Had been only sorting by field letter of the filename...


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