aBeesParadise 6.x-1.x-dev

New features

A modern, floral design perfect for a Bee’s Nirvana!
Developed by InterFace incorporating pastel colours and a simple but pleasing design. Layout uses two columns with a main region, and a right sidebar. The expanded footer region contains an area for latest news etc as well as the normal copyright notices.
Developed for Drupal-6 ver.
1. Fixed column width (700 px)

storm 6.x-1.0


Available features :

  • Attributes : to manage the different list of values used in STORM, like : tasks status, countries, currencies and so on
  • Organizations : the companies or individual stakeholders of your projects
  • Projects : your projects. Every project can have multiple tasks hierarchically nested to build a WBS
  • Tasks : the parts that compose a project
  • Tickets : every ticket can be associated with an organization, project and task
  • Timetrackings : where you can register your activities on an organization, project, task or ticket
  • People : organizations contacts
  • Permission control : a fine grained permission control permits to share the data with other users and organizations
  • Reporting : a simple and themeable support for reporting (with optional multilingual support)
  • Notes : a note can be associated to an organization, project and task
  • Knowledgebase : simple container to organize your knowledge
  • Invoices : an invoice must have a customer and can be linked to a project

submenutree 6.x-1.2

Bug fixes

#272518: Siblingmenue not shown if no submenues found


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