nodehierarchy 6.x-1.0

Security update
Bug fixes

First stable release of Node Hierarchy for Drupal 6

Changes since DRUPAL-6--1:

  • direct port of 5.x-1.0 to D6, lacking nodeaccess support and workflow-ng untested
  • #257796 code standards cleanup by quicksketch.
  • fixed issue with toggle url using the wrong params url
  • fixed reorder children issue

Contains a fix for SA-2008-034 - Node Hierarchy - Access bypass.

scheduler 6.x-1.2-rc1

New features
Bug fixes

Port of release 5.x-1.15 to 6.x including all features and bugfixes.
This release might not be ready for production use. Use with care.

active_translation 6.x-1.0-beta3

Bug fixes

Please do no use this release! It has a bug that causes fatal errors if the i18n module is not enabled (even though is not required to use this module).

Changes since DRUPAL-6--1-0-beta2:

  • #266314 Freaking i18n is screwing up my queries, stronger measures to disable their rewriting.

translation_overview 6.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-6--1-0:

  • Fixes to make the coder.module happy. SQL is now pgsql compatible.
  • Remove the i18n package.

date 6.x-2.0-beta2

Bug fixes

Date Module 6.x
- Get repeating dates working again.
- Views filters are not working right yet.

Version 6.2 beta2
- Fix computation of week range computed from views arguments.
- Now that a current date argument has been added to Views, remove the current date plugin from the Date API views handling.
- #263377 Re-fix patch that I broke in later commit.
- Comment out RRULE temporarily until repeating rules are fixed.
- Omit the timezone from the process to store the current date parts in the form.
- Change expected form values to match latest changes in CCK admin form.
- #261631 No longer using $append, so get rid of it.
- More work to ensure all the right timezone files are available in installations and updates.
- Add theme folders to 6.2 branch.
- #262272 Make sure $account is set before trying to use it in hook_user.
- #263078 Fix error in setting up db session info that was triggering the MYSQL code for POSTGRES.
- Move lots of similar date handling and navigation code out of Date and Calendar and into the Date API where we can use the same code everywhere.
- Add a flexible date argument to the API that will work on any Views date field and take any ISO date argument.
- Add an argument default option to set a missing date argument to the current date that will work on any date field.


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