views_datasource 6.x-1.0-alpha1

This is a proof-of-concept release with a working views_json plugin for Drupal 6. In the Views interface simply select the view style as JSON data document (Exhibit format only) and the row style as Unformatted (separator must be |). Because the template changes the page Content-type to text/javascript and immediately exits Drupal, the live preview will throw an error. This can be ignored; just save your view as a page and view it normally at the URL to get the JSON output. I forgot to remove a debug print statement at the top so you will see Array

google_analytics 6.x-1.1

New features
Bug fixes

* Major overhaul of the UI
* Visibility of tracking code based on Blocks visibility
* Tracking based on user, role and page specific settings

* Tracking of go/* url's (gotwo.module)
* Changed description text how to find the Google Analytics account number.
* Added mailto link tracking setting
* Added outgoing link tracking setting
* Added download link tracking setting
* Extended the default list of downloadable file extensions

tr 6.x-1.x-dev

New features

[en] Recent dev version
[tr] güncel geliştirme versiyonu

adbard 6.x-1.1-1

Bug fixes


  • Fix bug #260270: Update _menu hook for 6.2 API change.
  • Use latest AdBard JS (adjusting frame size to exactly match banner image size).

de 6.x-1.x-dev

NOTE: This is *not* a production quality translation but a work in progress.


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