biblio 6.x-1.0-beta5


This version has completely redesigned author handling and thus is incompatible with previous beta releases. If you were using a previous beta, you should completely uninstall it first then install the new beta.

This release has support for an upgrade path from the 5.x version.

NOTE!!! Contrary to what the documentation says, if you are upgrading a 5.x database, you should leave the biblio module enabled during the upgrade.

The way I test upgrades (5.x to 6.x) is to make a backup of your entire 5.x schema and restore it to another schema name. For example, If I have a schema called D5 (which has all the usual drupal and biblio tables) and in settings.php the database line looks something like this...

$db_url = 'mysql://user:password@localhost/D5';

Then I would restore the drupal 5.x backup to a schema called "test". Now I would install Drupal 6.2 in another directory and get it all setup and working (including biblio) and then I would edit the settings.php file in the D6 installation and set the db_url to the newly created "test" schema that contains the 5.x tables restored from the backup. So the D6 db_url line would now be changed from this...

$db_url = 'mysql://user:password@localhost/D6';

to this...

$db_url = 'mysql://user:password@localhost/test';

mailbuild 6.x-1.0

D6 Port. No new features. Those will be added in a 2.0 branch.

archive 6.x-1.2

Bug fixes

Updated for D6.2 compatibility plus several bug fixes.

filebrowser 6.x-1.2

Bug fixes

Updated for 6.2 API compatibility along with various bug fixes and code improvements.


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