biblio 6.x-1.0-beta4


This version has completely redesigned author handling and thus is incompatible with previous beta releases. If you were using a previous beta, you should completely uninstall it first then install the new beta.

This release has support for an upgrade path from the 5.x version.

NOTE!!! Contrary to what the documentation says, if you are upgrading a 5.x database, you should leave the biblio module enabled during the upgrade.

contemplate 6.x-0.13

Bug fixes

fix problem with tracking recursion depth: when the item being passed was an array it wasn't getting the $depth variable.

tinytinymce 6.x-1.2

Added a check to ensure that the module is correctly installed. If not correct, it puts up a message - previously it crashed the site!

mailhandler 6.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-6--1-0:

  • #253906 by Morbus Iff. Dies if command line found with no command
  • #234920 session_save_session(FALSE);
  • #183579 use get_t() in hook_requirements
  • #257118 by smahnken. retrieve and cron errors.


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