Fix broken autocomplete
6.x-2.x is a version which uses the Stripe.js approach, which prevents sensitive data ever from hitting the Drupal site.
This release of 6.x-3.x fixes one security issue. Updating is strongly recommended for all Drupal 6 webform users. See SA-CONTRIB-2015-063 - Webform - Cross Site Scripting (XSS) for details.
When a webform is made available as a block, the node's title is used as the default block title. This title is not sufficiently sanitized, leading to a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability.
Minor changes. #1978526 updated Readme documentation #1774764 fix bug with PHP 5.4 & 5.5 #1242984 Added Justification style setting
Has been in use for years at this point, removing beta moniker